Wednesday, 21 May 2008

New Iconoclastic Fury?

A few days ago, May 9th to be precise, the Turkish newspaper Yenicag published a headline article in both its paper & online edition about a 17th century pulpit in a small Belgian Church.

The sculpture symbolises angels holding a non-believer down by standing atop of him. Of course the Turkish used this and screamed 'murder & rape' and demanded that we end this "beastiality"... Why don't we put a match to all classical art museums & churches, I mean, there's got to be more than one objectional piece of art, right?

Once more it seems that 'historical context' is something that can be ignored when using art, symbols, or whatever for the 'greater good' of scaremongering and hatred.

Remeber though; "...where books are burned, people will be burn..."

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